Because I'm a Woman

by Lana Kabua

Because I’m a Woman 

I must wear skirts 

below my knees,

put my hair up 

or I’ll be hexed

Because I’m a Woman

curfew is at 7,

time for me to 

cook the rice,

sweep and mop, and

bathe my little brother

Because I’m a Woman

I am jaje manit

for stepping over boys

showing my shoulders

or changing my gender

to another

I am human 

Just like every other 

Men in this world,

Why can’t i be 

Treated the same way?

I wanna be the girl who

Wears shorts when playing sports

The girl who can joke 

Around with her brothers

The girl who wants to admire

Her beautiful long hair and

The oldest daughter who 

needs help around the house

But all in all,

I am forever proud of 

The blue white orange flag

that has shaped me into the 

Woman i am today

My culture is what made me 

Know my own language

Know my manners

Know who i truly am 

And where I am from…

The Marshall Islands,

Where colorful woven 




And so many more,

Are what makes me 

The beautiful  

Marshallese woman 

Where going to

Church is a must, 

To learn God's words

And to have faith

During rough and

Smooth paths

No matter what

And where family 

Is very important,

The unconditional 

Love <3 is
