The Good Old Days

by Avery Acosta

There once was a place 

that was conquered by time

Where dreams would come true 

and life was just fine 

Where the pressures of the world 

hadn't met our hearts yet 

and our only concern 

was to not break our neck 

Where our days were filled 

with dragons and gnomes

and we ruled kingdoms 

in our backyards we would roam 

we climbed trees tall as skyscrapers 

and in our pools were submarines 

we were race car drivers

we were canoeing down streams 

we watched shooting stars 

outside our backyard tent 

Didn’t know how much this all 

really had meant

We sold lemonade 

on the side of the road 

we rollerbladed even 

after it snowed 

we had sunday night dinners 

Played games until midnight

Sang songs from the 80s

Sat by the firelight

We would go to the mountains

The beach and the dunes

We would swim in the reservoir

All afternoon

We would travel the world

Go far and wide

See things before 12

Others wouldn't in a lifetime

We loved every second

We were good kids you see

Very grateful for everything

Our parents let us be

This place was called childhood

It once was our friend

But time had decided

It needed to end