Dear Future Kwajalein Resident

by Ethan Venghaus

Dear Future Kwajalein Resident,

I know your heart is heart is bursting with

The same awe, wonder and love

 for our islands as mine is

The picturesque scenery of the

Royal blue lagoon embracing the sky on the horizon,

Palm Tree skyscrapers swaying through

the thick, humid, tropical air

Landscape changing from ocean to sand to jungle in a mere few feet

Upon closer inspection though,

Heaps of plastic blend into the natural landscape

As though they are ancient ruins that have been there

As long as the island itself

Dear future Kwajalein resident,

I promise you we are doing everything we can to keep your home safe 

From these man-made not so ancient ruins

That ruin the surrounding nature

That reach deep into the sand like roots of a tree,

Cementing themselves into a place they do not fit

Dear future Kwajalein resident,

As much as we try, these issues can never be solved

In time to spare you from the trouble of cleaning up our mess,

But I know dear future kwajalein resident,

That as long as there are islands for you to love,

They will be in good hands


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