
by Felix Prim

Inspired by Wendell Berry’s poem “Enemies”

If I am not to concede to society,

I must live against the flow. 

The flow that breaks lives,

Human lives down to mere numbers.

But how can I succeed in this 

When everything around me 

Is only for loss? How might I

Demonstrate unfettered devotion

To the support of life

As that of a mother 

Caring for her child? I try by sharing 

My knowledge, by sharing

My advice, my wisdom, my love

With others. Often – I find

– this works, helping me rise

Through good in a world of 

Rubbish. I find purpose through 

The force of good even

When least expected. For most, 

They are blinded, they cannot yet

Comprehend the power sequestered 

In communion. And although 

They may not be affected by mortal

Compassion, I will never lose hope that 

They may – eventually – join me in

A league of leagues as one.


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