
by Aqualisa Lemari Calep

inspired by Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner’s poem “Dear Matafele Peinam”

Dear Li-Mommy, 

You are a smart, well educated, woman who puts all her trust in God

you read your Bible every day at a specific time

you are also a twenty-something year old girl who 

still gets overly excited for Wheel of Fortune

or Jeopardy! when it comes on at 8 at night

Dear Li-Mommy,

I remember when you first told me the story

of how your family had to move 

because a typhoon had hit your home

how you couldn’t share the feeling

your family felt because

you were at college 

at the time

Dear Li-Mommy,

I know you don’t believe the news

or read the articles that say our islands 

are drowning

I know you say God put us here for a reason 

that He will make sure we stay forever

on our tiny little home

Dear Li-Mommy, 

But I believe the news and the 

articles about climate change

I believe that there are 

changes that need to be 


Because now, Mommy,

it’s only us

Dear Li-Mommy, 

Ña mijak (I’m scared)

I know you see our seawalls crumbled on the oceanside

or the roads flooding at almost every corner 

when it rains

You may not believe

you may not listen

but I do


Mommy, ijjab konan ital jen ije (I don’t want to leave here)

Dear Li-Mommy,

our family has moved

to America,

the place you 

once were

when they ask about

our home

you create pictures so clearly

with your words 

where the roads are “fixed” 

and the tides are “calmer”

or how the island has 

truly become a paradise

but, Mommy, 

can we make this a reality?


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