
by Anna Collelo

Each decision - each moment

Lead to this - this moment exactly

Each day - we expect another -

Another of the same

Unless - we make the choice to move -

Move thousands of miles - 

Miles away - from family and friends -

Friends you have lived with your whole life - 

All for a different life

A life of new activities and challenges - 

Each daily moment differing from the rest - 

This present moment composing a new chapter in your life - 

The Nows of today - you will look back on - 

The Nows of today turn into years you will always remember

Time seems to slip away -

Each year repeats -

The same holidays and seasons  

- over and over -

Months exhaling to years 

For an boundless amount of time -

Each moment of those seasons - each of those Nows 

Can shift the direction of your infinity

Inspired by Emily Dickinson's Poem, “Forever – is Composed of Nows." 


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